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On 2014-04-11, at 12:39 PM, Clay Claiborne wrote:

>> A bogeyman is a mythical creature
> Marv,
> Are you saying that Russian didn't just annex a part of Ukraine and doesn't
> have tens of thousands of troops on Ukraine's borders?

I don't think we'll be able to agree, Clay, whether Russia's actions were 
aggressive or defensive in nature.

> The great thing about America is that everybody gets to run their trap.
> James Stavridis is a four-star A hole with no say in NATO or Obama policy.
> In point of fact, you are using him as a boggie man.

Nor do I think we'll be able to agree whether Stavridis' recital of the 
military and other options available to assist Ukraine, short of it integrating 
it into NATO, reflects the outlook of the US defence and foreign policy 
establishment and Obama administration, or is at variance with it.
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