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That duck is treading water, for now at least, and given political
exigencies, it may be dead in the water. The parliament in Kiev just voted
down even the possibility of holding a referendum. It was voted down due to
"security concerns".  Makes sense. Can't very well put off a planned
military attack, dictated by the terms of the IMF agreement, in order to
hold some silly plebiscite.

And also, they outlawed the communist party.

"What is truly strange and terrible about this looming disaster is that all
the leading players already know and agree about what the only solution can
be, even if they disagree on the details and the timing: a federal Ukraine
with elected regional governments and robust protection for regional
interests. This, *not* further separation, is what Moscow is proposing; and
this is what the Ukrainian interim president, Olexander Turchynov, has
publicly hinted at for the Donbas. Although the rebels in Donetsk and other
eastern cities have declared the Donetsk Republic and are now planning an
independence referendum on May 11, many easterners, too, have indicated
that they want some kind of federalization and not independence or
annexation to Russia. As
in Sunday’s *New
York Times* make clear, even some rebel commanders themselves hope to keep
Ukraine united."

> By Anatol Levien, a long-time observer and writer on Ukraine.
> http://www.nybooks.com/blogs/nyrblog/2014/may/05/ukraine-
> only-way-to-peace/
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