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This is from Roger Annis's latest on Links:

"The state happens to own much of the vaunted oil and gas industries; so too in finance and much of manufacturing. The CIA Factbook explains some of the consequences: 'The protection of property rights is still weak and the private sector remains subject to heavy state interference.'”

What a mystification!

"The state" is not independent of class. It is an instrument of capitalist rule. "The state" also owned oil and gas throughout the Middle East and North Africa, including Libya. Because Roger is so utterly confused over "state ownership", he views Russia as relatively progressive vis-a-vis American imperialism:

"If the foregoing analysis is correct--that Russia is not imperialist and is, rather, a hybrid capitalist state and economy--then the resistance to capitalist and NATO penetration of Ukraine and ultimately Russia assumes an important dimension of national defence that Marxists and other progressives need to recognise and voice. It behooves an international solidarity movement to oppose the violence of the Kyiv/NATO war and the specific threats against the Ukrainian and Russian nations. Just as was done during the wars against Iraq and Afghanistan and as is needed in the face of the ongoing imperialist threats against Iran."

This tendency toward a global class war theory indicates that Sam Marcy's dead hand retains a grip on much of the left. Sad to see a formerly sharp mind like Roger Annis's turn to mush.

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