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PETITION: Jews Say: End the War on Gaza — No Aid to Apartheid Israel! BDS!

Jews for Palestinian Right of Return, July 22, 2014,

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Introduction by the RCIT and the ISL:

Below we reprint a very progressive statement initiated by the Jews for
Palestinian Right of Return. Our comrade Yossi Schwartz, a well-know,
lifelong communist and Anti-Zionist, and key representative of the
Internationalist Socialist League (RCIT-Section in Israel/Occupied
Palestine), was among the initial signers of this petition. The
statement justly condemns the reactionary Israeli war against the
Palestinian people in Gaza as well as the Apartheid regime in the whole
of historic Palestine. In addition, the signers of the petition support
the international boycott campaign against Israel. As the statement is
limited to radical democratic demands, it does not include the goal for
which the RCIT and the ISL are fighting: a Democratic, Palestinian,
Multinational and Socialist Workers and Fallahin Republic from the River
to the Sea; in other words, a Free, Red Palestine. Nevertheless, this
limitation does not negate the very progressive nature of this petition
which constitutes a powerful tool against the reactionary myth spread by
the Israeli state and its international supporters, i.e., that Israel
represents the interests of all Jews and all who oppose the Israeli
state are therefore “Anti-Semites.” The RCIT and the ISL urge Jews
in Israel / Occupied Palestine and around the world to sign this

Note: The statement was initially signed by 200 individuals and received
more than 1,500 additional signatures in only two day!


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