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What's new at Links: Ukraine, MH17, Barry Sheppard, Sam Gindin replies on ‘environmental catastrophism’, Indonesia, Podemos

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   Ukraine: As Kiev military inflicts fresh bloodshed in east,
   Australia pushes Western intervention <http://links.org.au/node/3975>

         Ukraine army blocks access to Malaysia Airlines crash site

   STOP PRESS, July 29, 2014: Roger Annis reports that there has been
   “constant and heavy shelling” by the Ukraine army during the past
   two days on the towns and villages in Donetsk region surrounding the
   crash site of MH17. The site was turned over to international
   investigators four days ago by Donetsk self-defence fighters, but
   the investigators have not been able to access it due to military
   operations of the Ukraine army. "Self-defence fighters say the army
   controls the area surrounding the site. There are no observers

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By *Tony Iltis
*July 28, 2014 -- Malaysian Airlines lost its second Boeing 777 this year on July 17, when flight MH17 from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur was apparently hit by a missile over war-torn eastern Ukraine, killing all 298 people on board. The incident happened while the Ukrainian army was carrying out a huge land and air offensive to crush breakaway republics in eastern Ukraine, over whose territory the plane was shot down.

 * Read more <http://links.org.au/node/3975>

   ‘Environmental catastrophism’: a response to Ian Angus

By *Sam Gindin*
[This is a response to “On ‘environmental catastrophism’: Ian Angus replies to Sam Gindin”.]

July 28, 2014 -- The most critical question confronting anyone concerned with the environmental crisis is the political one: how to build a social force able to do something about it. The most important division among social activists is not between those who think an environmental collapse is imminent and those who think we will continue to stumble on in an ever uglier, degraded world. It is between those who believe that personal recycling, technical fixes, market incentives and green jobs can solve the environmental crisis, and those who argue the solutions are necessarily much more radical, extending to a challenge to capitalism itself.

 * Read more <http://links.org.au/node/3974>

   Barry Sheppard: Some comments on the debate around Ukraine

By *Barry Sheppard*
July 28, 2014 -- It is clear that people who consider themselves to be some form of revolutionary socialist do not agree on the facts about Ukraine. We do not even have agreement on whether or not Russia is imperialist, or even what the word means.
I would urge caution and patience in assessing the current situation.
But here is my take in a nutshell of what I think are the facts, culled from various sources.

 * Read more <http://links.org.au/node/3973>

   Indonesia: Jokowi wins presidency, but can he bring real reform?

By *Peter Boyle*
July 25, 2014 – Data Brainanta is one of quite a few Indonesian socialists who have been supporting the successful presidential bid of Joko Widodo, or “Jokowi” as he is popularly known. He was very happy when Indonesia's electoral commission (KPU) finally confirmed on the night of July 22 that Jokowi had defeated his sole opponent, the sacked former Suharto-era general Prabowo Subianto, by 57% to 43% of the nearly 130 million direct votes cast on July 9.

 * Read more <http://links.org.au/node/3972>

   Australia: Reject 'Cold War posturing' over MH17 tragedy: No troops
   to Ukraine! <http://links.org.au/node/3971>

 * Read more <http://links.org.au/node/3971>

   Spain’s Podemos: An inside view of a radical left sensation

By *Iñigo Errejón*, head of Podemos' European election campaign
July 15, 2014 -/- /In Spain, the surge of discontent caused by structural adjustment policies and hostage taking of popular sovereignty by the oligarchic powers gave rise to a series of protests and created spaces for social cooperation. However, it had no effect on the political system and its internal balance.

 * Read more <http://links.org.au/node/3969>

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