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Stockman's is a variety of "conservatism" that, despite its ideological economic eccentricities, stands far to the "left" (ie., is clearly right) as against every variety of Liberalism or Social Democracy.


"in any event, it was the $5 billion that Washington spent during the last decade meddling in Ukrainian politics, and finally inciting and financing the February overthrow of the country’s constitutionally elected government that precipitated the current civil war. It brought to power a new gang of crooks and thugs who could not govern for a day without tapping the Washington/Western financial lifeline. Indeed, the civil war now raging, the brutal military attacks on civilian populations and the hundreds of thousands of refugees now streaming out of the eastern regions are the result of a crisis made in Washington, not the Kremlin."

Shane Mage

"L'après-vie, c'est une auberge espagnole. L'on n'y trouve que ce qu'on a apporté."

Bardo Thodol

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