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How did the USSR react to the nuking of Japan?  Did it declare it as a
hostile act toward itself? Did the American Communist party praise it or
condemn it?

On Tue, Aug 12, 2014 at 10:29 AM, DW via Marxism <
marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu> wrote:

> ======================================================================
> Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
> ======================================================================
> The bomb wasn't dropped on Japan for 'racist' reasons. That the US was
> racist and justified it's use in part for unstated racist reasons is partly
> true; the idea that it did so as the main motivating factor shows a
> misunderstanding of Imperialism. It would of used it on Berlin (or a
> smaller city) if it the US/UK had one, say, after D-Day. The fact that the
> US (and UK) is 'racist' doesn't really mean shit with regard to pounding an
> enemy into the dirt. It didn't stop from killing *millions* of German
> citizens in carpet bombing German cities with incendiaries (which is where
> Curits LeMay go the idea from to do the same to Japanese cities).
> How is using the a-bomb really that much different than burning to death
> millions of civilians with "convention means" (especially as far more died
> from the conventional means than the nuclear ones). I suspect the civilians
> being incinerated really didn't care about the distinction.
> The reason it used the A-Bomb in large part was to to stare down the USSR
> bent on invading northern Japan, let the world know the new boss is in town
> and to generally avoid further military actions like Operation Downfall
> (assuming one buys into the controversial belief that an invasion of Japan
> was imminent and the Japanese gov't was too divided to really offer
> unconditional surrender terms).
> By July 1st, over 1.5 million Red Army troops were transferred to the
> Soviet Far East for such a conflict (along with destroying the Japanese
> army in Manchuria, whiich it did handily). On other hand, it's likely the
> invasion would of come off rather badly given the situation the Red Army
> faced in such an invasion, which almost mirrored the problem with Germans
> had with regards to the total lack of dedicated landing craft AND some of
> the best and experienced Japanese troops were in Hokkaido waiting for the
> Russians should they have chosen to launch such an invasion.
> David
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