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the third paragraph from the end should read

There were various colonial-settler warriors who took greater delight than
others in the mass murder they perpetrated.  Andrew Stonewall Jackson and
William Tecumseh Sherman were two such men.  Jackson had no shame when it
came to his racist attitudes towards Native Americans and Blacks.  Indeed,
his men fashioned reins from for their horses from the skin of Shawnees
they had killed.  Meanwhile, *Sherman's* reputation as the reigning master
of total warfare against a population was only enhanced during the US
counterinsurgency campaigns against Native Americans.  His burning of
Atlanta during the US Civil War remains as one of history’s most brutal and
bloody campaigns against a civilian population in the long and bloody
history of warfare.  Some of his final public statements quoted in this
text prove his bloodlust never changed.  As Dunbar Ortiz reminds the
reader, the tactics of war undertaken by these men and the multitude of
other US soldiers and militia men remain in use today in every military
foray undertaken by Washington’s troops and mercenaries.
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