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I suggest readers of this list go to this link and download this small PDF.
What it argues contridicts many of those on this list that say the FSA and
other rebels don't receive US arms. In fact, they are receiving in
*effective quantities* TOW anti-tank missiles. These are sophisticated wire
guided anti-tank weapons that can destroy any tank in existence and
according the paper pointed to by Louis, the Rebels are getting training
from outside of Syria and coming back in and used to blow up Syrain gov't
armor (perhaps ISIS armor as well?). The authors are gushing at the support
they are reciving. These weapons have to be supplied by the US and training
no doubt takes place in Turkey under NATO oversight (that's an assumption
on my part). But the paper says this:

"To ensure complete control over these weapons, donors are brought together
in the Military Operation Command (MOC)18 based in Turkey and Jordan, and
deal directly with the brigades of their choosing, bypassing the political
and military leadership of the opposition."

Of course the paper could be a pro-Assad hoax to show the rebels getting
US/EU support but I think not. Thanks Louis for posting this.

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