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On 10/13/14 5:29 PM, Einde O'Callaghan via Marxism wrote:

On your Facebook page, Louis, I've commented that you don't really
appear to be familiar with the theoretical tradition that the ISO and
ISR come from. Certainly in the publications of the British SWP there
has been a constant critique of Brenner and Political Marxism from its
early days. I posted a link to a transcript of a 2004 e3bqate between
Chris Harman and Robert Brenner: http://www.isj.org.uk/index.php4?id=219

Actually, Einde, now that I think about it since replying on FB, I am not sure that I accused the British SWP of Political Marxism--lots of other things obviously, but not that. If you saw evidence of that, please let me know. I might have slipped up.
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