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This categorical declaration on behalf of the YPG, the Kurdish faction
valiantly resisting the massive onslaught of the monstrous ISIS in
Kobane since September 15 last, is obviously of immense import in the
context of the future of Syrian people reeling under the authoritarian
rule of genocidal Assad.


On 19/10/2014, 'Michael Karadjis' mkarad...@gmail.com
[GreenLeft_discussion] <greenleft_discuss...@yahoogroups.com> wrote:
> My interpretation of this extremely important statement by the YPG is
> that bot sides are seeing more clearly that their revolutionary
> collaboration on the ground is essential for the creation of a "free,
> democratic Syria" and "the success of the revolution", as the YPG puts
> it, thus something going well beyond their current successful
> cooperation in defeating ISIS in Kobani.
> This collaboration, and fraternisation, has had impacts on both sides'
> thinking. I think the FSA has probably come to understand more clearly
> about Kurdish aspirations for self-determination; this relative lack of
> understanding, and the official opposition leadership's view which is
> only slightly better than the regime's, has been a major impediment. At
> the same time the YPG has also come to understand more clearly the need
> for a 'free and democratic Syria" over all of Syria as being essential
> to their struggle (after all, if Assad had defeated the revolution
> elsewhere the PYD's cantons would have been next in line for barrel
> bombs and the rest), and thus the importance of being in open alliance
> with those fighting for it, as opposed to the past official neutrality
> which at times even leaned slightly towards the regime (though at other
> times it was clearly in alliance with the FSA).
> Those who try to put all the blame for past tensions on the FSA side are
> being self-serving and need to do some wider reading. Both sides have
> skeletons in their closet. Just to note that the article sent to these
> lists last week, "Extremists and moderates in Kobani"
> http://www.warscapes.com/reportage/extremists-and-moderates-kobani), I
> found to be factually wrong on a number of points, and its one-sidedness
> (bad FSA simply being pushed into a corner and having no choice but to
> fight ISIS otherwise they would prefer to be jihadists who wear beards
> and brandish knives) a not very useful guide to the past.
> In any case, we can discuss the past in time. One thing that must be
> clear to the PYD/YPG is that while the FSA were shedding blood for
> Kobani (something the FSA did not get in the past from the YPG elsewhere
> in Syria, no matter how understandable that may have been), the regime's
> assistance amounted to zero. While Assad has been bombing everywhere in
> the country (indeed has intensified it since the Coalition began air
> strikes), both on the revolutionary forces and on ISIS, did anyone hear
> of a single Assadist air strike on ISIS in Kobani? No excuse that the US
> wouldn't accept Assad bombing in the same place, because US and Assadist
> bombs have been dropping together, sometimes in very close range of one
> another, in Deir Ezzor, Aleppo and even Idlib.
> Let's see how the red-brown pro-Assad crowd try to spin this.
> Released by the General Command of the People's Defense Units (YPG),
> published 18/10/2014 at:
> https://twitter.com/Rojekazad/status/523626240939679744/photo/1
> To the media and public opinion,
> On October 19, 2014, More than 33 days, the city of Kobanî has been
> fighting terrorism in eventful days of resistance, redemption, and
> enormous sacrifices in combating the terrorist attacks of ISIS and its
> evils. This organization, which has become the biggest threat to the
> world and global peace everywhere, Kobanî battle pose a historic turning
> point and the result of this battle will shape the future of Syria and
> the future of the democratic struggle for freedom and peace. So the
> victory in Kobanî is a victory for Syria and all its components also it
> will be a major defeat for ISIS and terrorism.
> The resistance shown by our units YPG and the factions of the Free
> Syrian Army is a guarantee for defeating ISIS terrorism in the region.
> Counter-terrorism and building a free and democratic Syria was the basis
> of the agreements signed with factions of the Free Syrian Army. As we
> can see that the success of the revolution is subject to the development
> of this relationship between all factions and the forces of good in this
> country.
> We in the People's Protection Units (YPG) reaffirm that we will meet all
> of our responsibilities toward Rojava and Syria in general. We will work
> to consolidate the concept of true partnership for the management of
> this country commensurate with the aspirations of the Syrian people with
> all its components, sects, and social classes.
> We also confirm that there is coordination between us and the important
> factions of the Free Syrian Army in the northern countryside of Aleppo,
> Afrin, Kobanî, and Jazeera. Currently there are factions and several
> batallions of the Free Syrian Army fighting battles on our side against
> the ISIS terrorists in Kobani

Peace Is Doable

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