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Hi Louis,

The false-flag operation/exercise seems to be over now. A thoroughly planned and well executed propaganda operation in order to feed the ever hungrier Swedish military-media-industrial-complex. As well as a fine way to introduce the brand new stealthy cool of HMS Visby.

For some reason all photos of (obviously Russian) submarines are blurry. http://onechancenews.com/a-mysterious-submarine-is-lurking-in-sweden-and-fingers-point-to-russia/ [Sorry, quick duck-go-search, but the headline sums up the mission objective pretty good: "A Mysterious Submarine Is Lurking in Sweden, and Fingers Point to Russia"]

My feeling is that this has been planned for a long time. This is the answer of the Swedish military–industrial–media complex to the threats of a Social Democratically lead government. Not that they fear that the Social Democrats in any way would oppose the awesome job-creating sector know as MIMAK (former prime minister Göran Persson(S) is the chief lobbyist of big Gun), but the possible inclusion of the Left Party in the government was troubling.

Everybody in Sweden, including the leader of the Left Party Jonas Sjöstedt [a fellow comrade of mine, but even back then destined to take up the mantle of the old-school social democracy] was sure that the Left Party [formerly The Left Party the Communists/Communist Youth] would be part of the new government. Jonas Sjöstedt and the Left Party took many steps to the right in order to prove their allegiance to the system and thereby ensuring a spot in the new government.

To the shock of almost everybody [me included] it was announced the day after the election by (S) that the Left Party would NOT be included in the new government. Jonas Sjöstedt must have felt mighty betrayed.

Anyway, the Swedish MIMAK feared that the notorious crypto-communists in the Left Party would be both in the government, as well as, for the first time ever, in the [not sure how to translate this] foreign affairs committee; i.e. the communists would be able to influence matters of national security. Above all, they might want to limit the large weapons industry that is nowadays, much like the US, the backbone of the Swedish economy.

The timing was perfect. When to strike? When you'll encounter the least opposition and can push your agenda to the max. When the government is new, weak and unlikely to intervene. And even though Göran Persson (former prime minister (S)) is the leading lobbyist for the MIMAK, even the most modest inclination towards peace by liberals(US) or social democrats(EU) is a challenge. The Military felt compelled to assert its power and put pressure on the new government to increase military spending in the new budget.

[Didn't operation Cast Lead happen just after Obama was elected?]

Neither the right wing alliance nor the "left" wing (including the Left Party) received a majority of the votes in the election since the neofascist Sverigedemokraterna got 13%. It's still unclear if the newly formed SD-MP(Miljöpartiet-the (center) Green Party) can get their new budget through. It might it be blocked by Sverigedemokraterna, and if so, there could be a new election.

I tweeted a while ago about the Russian scare in Swedish media. The weird thing is that all media, including the social democratic Aftonbladet present it this way: https://twitter.com/pjedlund/status/480313429316894720

In all frankness: I'm fucking terrified. No one here seems to gives a damn. "So what if they couldn't catch the sub, we still need to strengthen our defense."
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