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Since one of our moderators is a film critic, I thought he and other people
on the list would be interested in what has been happening at the Film
Museum in Moscow. The entire staff, including the renowned and beloved Naum
Kleiman, has just resigned after life under their new director became
completely intolerable. The new director was appointed by Culture Minister
Vladimir Medinsky, whose brief seems to be to destroy Russian culture once
and for all, judging by this and other of his actions.

The Film Museum has been warding off the cinematic and bureaucratic wolves
for years now. The bitter irony is that its new director is none other than
Larisa Solonitsyna, daughter of Anatoly Solonitsyn, Andrei Tarkovsky's
favorite actor.


Entire Staff of Moscow Film Museum Resigns in Protest at New Director
By Allison Quinn
Oct. 27 2014

The employees of the State Central Museum of Cinema quit their jobs en
masse over what they describe as their new director's "incompetence" in
every aspect of the institution's work.

An open letter to Culture Minister Vladimir Medinsky announcing that the
decision has been posted on the museum's website, signed by all 19 members
of its professional staff.

Larisa Solonitsyna was appointed director of the museum by the Culture
Ministry on July 1, replacing Naum Kleiman, who had served as director
since 1992. Kleiman became the museum's president after Solonitsyna took
the helm in July, but he was among the staff members who resigned on Monday.

"The team's distrust of the new leadership has grown as she has
demonstrated her incompetence more and more, in terms of both the museum
and cinematography aspects of our business. As the authoritarian style of
her leadership has bled through, the non-transparency of her decisions has
come accompanied with a stubborn unwillingness to listen to the opinions of
her employees," the letter said, adding that Solonitsyna had no experience
working in a museum.

"As a result of the 'activities' of the new leadership, it has not only
become impossible to work productively — it's become unbearable to be
located in such an atmosphere of animosity, offensive suspicion and
disrespect toward people," the letter said.

The museum's staff has previously been vocal about its dissatisfaction with
the new director. In October, 13 staff members filed a petition demanding
Solonitsyna's resignation, in part because of her decision to fire Maxim
Pavlov, the museum's longtime deputy director of scientific outreach

At that time, several employees resigned in protest of Pavlov's dismissal,
though Solonitsyna shrugged off criticism of her leadership, saying the
dismissal was in line with optimization measures, news site Lenta.ru

The museum, established in 1989, is renowned for its film collection, with
over 150,000 titles in its electronic catalogue.
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