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I received this interesting piece with only the explanation that it "is by
DENIS from the Autonomous Workers Union of Ukraine. It is based on a talk
he gave at the Anarchist Book Fair in London on 18 October, " thus before
the recent election.
- Jeff

Ukrainian nationalism and fascism

Contrary to the widespread concerns, nationalist sentiment has not become
widespread in the society immediately after Maidan (although the
nationalists, unlike leftists, had everything at their disposal to push
their agenda at Maidan). But nationalism indeed became the dominating
ideology in Ukrainian society after the Russian aggression started [with
the annexation of Crimea in March] and escalated: it was a sad but
inevitable consequence.

In a more long-term retrospective, the agents most responsible for
popularising radical nationalism in Ukraine over the last four years have
been media and the intelligentsia generally. It is they who are
responsible for the electoral success of Svoboda in 2012, when it received
10.4% of the vote. (Also, the then ruling Party of Regions was obviously
trying to boost Svoboda as a harmless opposition). It is the media and the
intelligentsia who now continue active support of the Right Sector (RS)
and outright Nazis from the Social National Assembly (SNA), artificially
inflating their approval ratings.

The SNA has engulfed and digested all the active far right forces which
had been previously accumulated under the umbrella of RS, or is in the
process of doing so. They are gaining the political momentum which had
been lost by RS after it had to transform itself into a regular civil
political party in the spring. They are a great threat for the left and
for minorities, but they are unable to gain power. (Far right violence
against the left started growing in 2012 – not in 2014 as is commonly
believed – but right now there’s actually a certain pause.) We could
compare the current situation with Italy, or other countries that have a
tradition of an alliance between nazis and the police.

One of the military units fighting on the pro-Ukrainian side, the Azov
battalion, is indeed fully neo-nazi. Also, the far right are present to
some extent in other volunteer battalions, but they don’t play any
significant role there. Most of the volunteers are regular people, only
recently politicised and having rather abstract patriotic political views.
Also, the regular army units fighting in the east of Ukraine are far more
numerous than volunteers, who just have much better publicity.

The military conflict and the truce

In Kyiv the government exploits patriotic hysteria, and potentially could
use fascists for reaching its political goals in the future. But the
“people’s republics” in Donetsk and Luhansk have actual fascist movements
in power with fascist ideology – even though they use the image of Lenin
and red flags.

The unstable truce and “special status” of Donbass guaranteed by recent
agreements allows those fascist political entities to gain strength and
survive. Nevertheless, it is better than continuing the fighting without
any hope for a quick end. This was the best of all the bad possible
choices. It allows the far right on both sides political room, while the
left agenda is being pushed even further away.

Ukraine’s neo-liberal government

The neo-liberal slogans and threats we have seen from Ukrainian government
for the last six months don’t differ much from the traditional rhetoric of
any Ukrainian government for the last decade. The first few months of
Yanukovych’s rule, for example, were also full of such declarations, but
then neoliberals in the ruling camp lost to the more populist conservative

The austerity measures already taken by the current government would have
anyway inevitably been taken by Yanukovych after his victory at the
presidential elections in 2015: this was a universally acknowledged
forecast, long before the Maidan protests. So far we cannot say whether
the current government will be more neo-liberal than its predecessors in
practice. Of course they want to, but it’s not clear whether they will
have objective possibilities for this.

In November people will get utility bills with new, raised tariffs. They
will also suffer from the further deepening of economic crisis, and the
real incomes of the working class will fall further. But we shouldn’t
count on a “social Maidan” this winter. It is impossible – because of the
extremely high level of patriotic hysteria, on the one hand, and the
extremely low level of development of social movements and political
organisation of the working class, on the other hand. In the late spring
we saw encouraging events such as the miners’ protests in Kriviy Rig, but
so far they are anecdotal cases. Generally, the proletariat is silent.

The left in Ukraine and internationally

The Ukrainian left is weak and small. There are “post-Trotskyists” from
the Left Opposition who are now engaged in fruitless attempts at building
another broad left party, using Maidan as a base. There are syndicalists
from the Autonomous Workers’ Union who were not present at Maidan
organisationally, but issued “critical support” of Maidan in January and
are now trying to find a political strategy which would be adequate to the
new realities. There are “left rightists” from Autonomous Resistance who
have attracted fans of riot porn and actions for the sake of actions – and
are now taking part in the war on the side of the Ukrainian government.
And there are Stalinists from Borotba who have been isolated and are
boycotted by all other leftists in Ukraine, but are very popular among
Western leftists.

What kind of support do we seek from foreign comrades? First of all,
please spare some time on trying to understand the situation in Ukraine
and don’t support the pseudo-antifascist fans of actually fascist
“people’s republics” in Donbass.

Second, in your respective countries you can put forward a positive
program of solidarity with Ukraine: debt write-off and extensive financial
support from the EU, conditional on the leftist reformist agenda (contrary
to the current help from the IMF, which is conditional on the anti-labour
austerity measures).

Finally, it’s very important to criticise the Ukrainian far right, which
is gaining much political ground in the current political atmosphere –
only it has to be done correctly, without hysteric declarations about an
[imaginary] “fascist junta” [in government] which actually serve the
opposite purpose. People see that if this is fascism, then probably
there’s nothing wrong with it.

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