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On 11/5/14 11:36 AM, Shane Mage via Marxism wrote:

By playing word games with phrases like "productive forces," "property
forms," and "production relations" the Orthodox managed for fifty years
to pretend that under the Stalinist "USSR" brand they were buying a
"Degenerated Workers' State." Some  pretend that Russia even now is a
"workers' state!" In the 1950s-1960's the dominant faction of the Fourth
International even expected a socialist revolution to be introduced to
western Europe through invasion by the Russian Army (by the early 1960's
the same types, then as now, moved their trust onto a new brand--the
"Arab Revolution" of the Boumediennes and Qaddafis).

So weird to see Shane fulminating against the Fourth International for adapting to Stalinism when his primary role on Marxmail is to serve as a transmission belt for RT.com talking points.
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