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Who Is Behind the Trotskyist Conspiracy?
Ilya Budraitskis
November 21, 2014

Speaking at a meeting of his United People’s Front a couple days ago,
Vladimir Putin said, “Trotsky had this [saying]: the movement is
everything, the ultimate aim is nothing. We need an ultimate aim.” Eduard
Bernstein’s proposition, misquoted and attributed for some reason to Leon
Trotsky, is probably the Russian president’s most common rhetorical
standby. He has repeated it for many years to audiences of journalists and
functionaries while discussing social policy, construction delays at
Olympics sites or the dissatisfaction of the so-called creative class.
“Democracy is not anarchism and not Trotskyism,” Putin warnedalmost two
years ago.

Putin’s anti-Trotskyist invectives do not depend on the context nor are
they influenced by his audience, and much less are they veiled threats to
the small political groups in Russia today who claim to be heirs of the
Fourth International. Putin’s Trotskyism is of a different kind. Its causes
are found not in the present but in the past, buried deep in the political
unconscious of the last generation of the Soviet nomenklatura.

The strange myth of the Trotskyist conspiracy, which emerged decades ago,
in another age and a different country, has experienced a rebirth
throughout Putin’s rule. Sensing, apparently, the president’s personal
weakness for “Trotskyism,” obliging media and corrupted experts have turned
this Trotskyism into an integral part of the grand propaganda style. Until
he died, the indefatigable “Trotskyist” Boris Berezovsky spun his nasty web
from London. Until he turned into a conservative patriot, the incendiary
“Trotskyist” Eduard Limonov seduced young people with extremism.
Camouflaged “Trotskyists” from the Bush and, later, the Obama
administrations have continued to sow war and color revolutions. Unmasking
“Trotskyists” has become such an important ritual that for good luck, as it
were, the famous Dmitry Kiselyov decided to launch a new media resource by
invoking it. So what is the history of this conspiracy? And what do
Trotskyists have to do with it?

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