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I wrote "Excellent article (even if no doubt exaggerated for journalistic reasons)." Looking again, I would emphasise its exaggerated character more, and withdraw the word "excellent." There are some excellent points in it but the impression it gives of massive shifts to ISIS and thousands who just can't wait to join ISIS seems clearly over the top, and is only the testimony of a number of ex-FSA, now ISIS, individuals.

There are also factual mistakes, such as the claim that Nusra is the dominant group in East Ghouta (part of the Damascus suburbs). Nevertheless, the article does tap into an important part of the mood since the US air strikes began. It is important for understanding how Nusra suddenly got powerful enough to defeat the Syrian Revolutionaries Front - the main FSA coalition in the northwest - in Idlib province, just 10 months after the SRF had driven ISIS out of the whole region (and before that, the FSA groups that made up the SRF had been key in driving out regime forces).

The reactionary effects of the US intervention thus have to be measured in many ways, not just in terms of who they may actually be striking. All in all, therefore, I think my original comments, minus the "excellent," and the other article I sent, were on the mark.

---Original Message----- From: mkaradjis .
Sent: Monday, November 24, 2014 11:53 AM
To: Louis Proyect ; Activists and scholars in Marxist tradition
Subject: Re: [Marxism] Fwd: US air strikes in Syria driving anti-Assad groups to support Isis | World news | The Guardian

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