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Vijay Prashad: [Patrick] Cockburn’s writings are not of the genre that has come to be called “hotel journalism”—stories that come to reporters as they lounge in 5-star hotels—nor is it “embedded journalism”—stories written by reporters who come to see the world through the eyes of the troops who protect them.



The November 6 London Review of Books has published Patrick Cockburn’s latest article (http://www.lrb.co.uk/v36/n21/patrick-cockburn/whose-side-is-turkey-on), ‘Whose Side is Turkey On?’. Now, as I support the struggle of the Syrian Kurds, led by the PYD and its armed militia, the YPG, against ISIS’ genocidal siege, I have no interest in defending Turkey’s shabby role in this, even if I think both the US and Turkey, in their current difference on this issue are both being totally cynical in their different ways. So this critique will not deal with these issues.

Unfortunately, the angle from which Cockburn criticises Turkey is full of the same contradictions that significant parts of the left espouse, basked in an overall hostility to the Syrian revolution. Valid criticism of Turkey’s sabotage of the defence of Kobani – connected to Turkey’s own oppression of its Kurdish minority – is mixed in with criticism of Turkey for allegedly wanting to help overthrow the Syrian tyranny of Bashar Assad. As if there were something wrong with wanting the overthrow of a tyrant who has burnt his whole country, sending 1.5 million Syrian refugees into Turkey.

full: http://mkaradjis.wordpress.com/2014/10/31/critique-of-patrick-cockburns-whose-side-is-turkey-on/


This is what passes for journalism these days:

"But in Syria, Washington’s policy is the exact opposite: there the main opponent of ISIS is the Syrian government and the Syrian Kurds in their northern enclaves. Both are under attack from ISIS, which has taken about a third of the country, including most of its oil and gas production facilities."

See, Assad is the "main opponent" of ISIS, even if in over two years there has been a single major confrontation between the two. Why mention the sustained combat between ISIS and the FSA and Islamic Front. Remember this is the same patrick cockburn who described the surrender of one beleaguered village to the combined forces of the Assad regime and Hizbullah as a "peace deal".

No, I will not link anything that he writes.

(Idrees Ahmad on Facebook)


Commentary on a Patrick Cockburn commentary (http://louisproyect.org/2013/12/17/commentary-on-a-patrick-cockburn-commentary/)
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