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Another Western fascist holidays with the Assads (again)

29-11-2014: Since Bashar al-Assad attracts fellow fascists and supporters of totalitarianism like flies to...Assad, it's unsurprising that the founder and notoriously Islamophobic former head of the UK's neo-Nazi 'British National Party' is currently enjoying another Assad-funded holiday in an exclusive regime-controlled neighbourhood in the north of the city. Griffin tweeted this picture of himself from there earlier today, with the message, "Wonders of www means I've been able to see highlights of England's great 26-17 thrashing of Aussies even tho in Syria."

Like his fellow British fascism fan George Galloway and American former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke, Griffin is a long-time admirer and ally of Assad and regular visitor to Syria as an honoured guest of the regime, writing admiringly about the regime's on-going genocide of Syrian men, women and children - who he referred to as "vermin" and "terrorists" - during another regime-paid junket last June

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