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On 12/14/14 10:42 AM, James Creegan via Marxism wrote:
No, but there was a fierce attack on the franc in response to Mitterand's
left-Keynesian program in 1981, as well as his inclusion of PCF members
in his coalition. Mitterand responded by abandoning the left-reformist
platform on which he was elected and leading an austerity drive.

I still have no idea what this has to do with Nicaragua. Ultraleft sectarians like you always had the answer. "Lay hands" on the capitalists. In fact sometimes there are no answers in the class struggle when the odds are insurmountably against you. No matter how revolutionary-minded the leadership of a trade union is, a strike will often be ended on terms unfavorable to the workers. In Nicaragua the revolution was defeated not because the FSLN lacked a revolutionary perspective but because the USA was able to keep a low-intensity war going until the people could not stand it any longer. Hunger, death and illness were more powerful forces than any leaflet, even one written by you. The Nicaraguans voted for an American-backed politician because they were being blackmailed. Even if you ran for president of Nicaragua in 1990 with your soaring revolutionary thoughts and language, they still will have voted for Violetta Chamorro. Reagan wanted them to "cry uncle" and they did.

It is only people who are so cocooned from reality such as you, having spent their entire adult lives composing Coyoacan-type communiques in their mind, who can blame the FSLN for "selling out" the revolution.

If you weren't such an absurdly comic figure with your sterile panaceas, I would describe you as a threat to the left. Fortunately, the generation you belonged to--the hammer-and-sickle/Red Star verbal radicalism of the coffee shop smart set--has almost disappeared from the political landscape. It is only by making speeches during the Q&A period at Left Forums or trolling Marxmail that you can get a shred of attention.

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