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The New York police were in similar revolt against mayor David Dinkins (1990 - 
and massed at City Hall threatening violence against that city's first African 
mayor for his supporting an effort to establish a civilian review board over 
the police.

There have been other instances of USA police who challenged civilian power - 
the most famous example was the bloody 1919 Boston Police Strike that was 
crushed by the Massachusetts National Guard on the orders of then governor 
Calvin Coolidge.  
The crushing of the police strike led to Coolidge becoming U. S. president.

> Date: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 11:49:54 -0500
> Subject: [Marxism] examples of police revolt?
> From: marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu
> To: causecollec...@msn.com

> Thinking obviously of what's brewing in New York, what are some historical
> parallels? Revolts of military, vets, fascist groups come easily to mind.
> But police specifically? (Probably something from Germany in the 20s but
> can't place the incident in my memory.)

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