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on Mittwoch, 7. Januar 2015 at 19:09, Charles Faulkner ("Lacenaire"!) via 
Marxism wrote:

>  i question charlie hebdo's motivations in publishing the cartoons
> and subsequently any claim they have to being of the "left". 

  Charlie Hebdo used to have the sub-title "bête et méchant", which I translate 
as "stupid and vicious". The copy which I shortly saw on the telly today had 
the line "periodique irresponsable", "irresponsabel periodical". 

  They just enjoy to make fun of other people, and to humiliate them. They do 
(or should we say now "did"?) know that "sex sells", and used it, and they also 
knew that making fun of the victims of French colonialism sells. 

  Marine Le Pen of the fascist Front National took of course the occasion to 
assign the responsability for the attack to "islamism". 

  Listening to here hate speech on www.frontnational.com or Youtube, hearing 
her speaking of crimes "not committed for so many decades", the massaker came 
to my ming, the attack on Arabs demonstrating for freedom in the Algerian city 
of Setif by French colonial troops, on the same May 8, 1945, when in Europe the 
unconditional capitulation of the German imperialist army was signed. 

  And the torture by the same French colonial troops later during the 
liberation war for Algeria. 

  And many other crimes. 

Lüko Willms
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