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Louis Proyect said:
Well, of course. Everybody knows the solution to austerity in Greece can be 
found by starting a group calling itself the Communist something or other, 
launching a website festooned with red stars and hammers and sickles, and 
calling for the dictatorship of the proletariat. That's the approach of the 
Weakly Worker and made to order for those incapable of organizing themselves 
out of a paper bag. 

Ken Hiebert replies:
I don't know much about Weekly Worker, so I don't know if your description is a 
caricature.  Your dismissive remarks might be applied to a number of smaller 
groups.  It might even describe the smaller groups that came together to form 
Syriza.  My guess is that some of these groups, when they started out, were 
small and isolated.  But those who did the plodding work to build these groups 
have seen their work bear fruit in the broad support for Syriza.
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