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My last point is this: internationalism. In reality, the problem that we are facing cannot be solved only in Greece. That does not mean that we have to wait for the time when all the countries at the same time, no.... It means the way of thinking: we are trying in Greece to prove that this small country can be the weak link of the very strong chain of the attack of the capitalists in the whole of Europe.

And you know, comrades, every chain is only as strong as its weakest link. If the chain breaks in Greece, then what will happen in Spain, Italy, France, Portugal, and so on? That’s the one point. The other is that everything that you are doing, everything that our comrades are doing in every part of Europe is a huge help to what we are doing in Greece.

I will give you an example. In the worst time that I have had in the last years, I went back home after a demonstration of twelve hours having faced off with the police and tear gas. I was ready to die. I turned on the television; it was the time of the international news, and they were discussing a small demonstration in Spain. I saw a picture of a young woman carrying a placard which said: “Message to the Greek comrades: Hold on, we’re coming!”

full: http://isreview.org/issue/84/electoral-breakthrough-greece-and-challenges-left
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