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You are right about analogies. In my point of view analogies may be established till the citizen isolated in a ballot box. What you quoted is just a joke. But if, for the sake of discussion, we are to draw such irrelevant analogies, one have to remark that 0,33% is not so disproportional to what the Bolsheviks led the masses to accomplish, while ANTARSYA has not, and is far from: Soviets, bourgeois state abolition and so on. Again the electoral scores of the bolseviks in tsarist Douma are quite comparable to that of ANTARSYA. Well, to be less provocative, all i say is that electoral scores can prove not much either in favor of ANTARSYA's political program or against it. That is, not to fairly ignore them, but rather not to lay on them. To be sure, ANTARSYA is not anything like the bolshevik party; not at all. And actually is in a serious internal struggle as the coalition's majorities are tending to recuperate the oppositional rhetoric and demands that SYRIZA abandons as it clearly moves in full speed to the right. Last, but not least in this trajectory, is SYRIZA's salution to Draghi's QE while he clearly depends it on a "successful" memorandum member state policy. Reading around in the internet i have realized that is far from clear that what is been disputed by ANTARSYA is not whether SYRIZA will establish a kind of worker's state or not (that's at present out of anybody's reach), but if its moderate Keynesian dreams have any chance at all in greece's and EU specific situation. If the answer is "no they haven't" , then arises the question of "what will be next?". And, in my view again, such a continuous move to the right in order to gain the meaningless electoral support of -as they put it - the right-minded citizen in the name of the "left", paves the road for Golden Dawn, whom electoral score should be, by its nature and circumstances, taken straightforward. Two days left for the supposedly brilliants electoral conclusions of the international left to come out, irony addressed first of all to my own mediocrity.


On 23/01/2015 10:26 πμ, Stuart Munckton wrote:
This is a *very* forced analogy -- so forced as to be pretty pointless.

This includes the fact that int he Constituent Assembly, the Bolsheviks
got a little bit more than 0.33% of the vote that Antarsya got in the
last general elections... about a quarter of all votes cast. Just a bit
more. A number far closer to what Syriza scored last time, as opposed to
Antarsya's truly irrelevant number of votes.

There is another small difference -- the existence in Russia of a
widely-organised and supported counter power to the old state in the
soviets, in a context of the near total disintegration of the old state
amid the ongoing disaster of world war one. There is not, actually much
to be gained by trying to draw comparisons between the two situations in


    On 22/01/2015 09:49 μμ, Louis Proyect via Marxism wrote:

        full: https://www.jacobinmag.com/__2015/01/phase-one/

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