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Ken has certainly extracted the key paragraph.
In general I thought the opening parts praising the huge mobilization were
pretty naive about the range of opinions involved -- a naivete all the more
striking for the authors' admission that the vast majority of Arabs/Muslims
stayed home.
Anyway, this article from today's Times is a scary preview of new
repressive measures -- aimed not at actions, but at any dissent from
"republican values"! And not just repression, but affirmative steps to
mandate their acceptance!

On Fri, Jan 23, 2015 at 10:27 AM, Ken Hiebert via Marxism <
marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu> wrote:

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> Charlie Hebdo – And now what? The events, their impact and the issues at
> play.
> http://www.internationalviewpoint.org/spip.php?article3824
> Fifth problem: our weakness and the overall weakening of the working-class
> movement in its historic bastions, especially in Europe. Capitalist
> globalization has plunged our societies into an endless downward spiral of
> social crises. Casual forms of work are spreading and taking on extreme
> forms. Neither the “left of the Left” nor the trade unions are in a
> position to provide a radical response to the radical attacks of globalized
> capital. In such conditions, fundamentalism (of all religions) and the new
> far-Right (xenophobic and racist) is laying claim to the ideological ground
> of radicalism. We need a broad international anti-fascist and
> anti-fundamentalist resistance front, but also an activist Left capable of
> providing a radical alternative to capitalism. To achieve this, such a Left
> has to be rooted among those sectors hit hardest by job insecurity. This is
> not the case today, and this is one of our Achilles’ heels.
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