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(This is the first in a series of articles on cops and the struggle for racial justice.)

From Mass movements to Swarm movements

If you ask their assessment, many leftist strategists will say, “we could build a party, but we need strong movements, and movements aren’t doing well right now.”

However, movements are doing excellently, but they have simply changed form. Instead of being a “mass” movement per se, we now have what we could call swarm movements. Instead of having one big demonstration in Washington, D.C. led by some lame big liberal coalition, we have a thousand uncoordinated local efforts, often sparked by events in one major city or location, but with imitations spreading everywhere as similar events or conditions present themselves. Occupy is certainly not what it used to be – as a centralized movement it is dead – but it has left behind little cells of local activity all over the place, and its politics have inspired many coalitions to arise after the fact.

full: http://www.thenorthstar.info/?p=12160
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