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Today's poll results of Delhi State (India's capital Region) has given a big 
moral boost to all those who oppose the Fascist BJP, which is holding power In 
India. The AAP (Common Man's Party), headed by Arvind Kejrival had bagged 67 of 
the 70 seats, with BJP sulking far behind with 3 seats. The Congress Party, 
which ruled the state for 15 years, drew a blank.According to poll analysts, 
the massive verdict is the result of disenchantment of the poor and middle 
classes with the undiluted neo-liberal policies put in place by Modi in his 8 
months of rule. People of Delhi have not taken kindly to issues like 1) BJP and 
its outfits fanning religious tensions between Hindus and Muslims and Chritians 
2) Unpreceedented rise in power and water tariffs, following their 
privatisation 3) Issues of womens' safety (many orthodox and fanatic BJP 
leaders blamed women for the rapes) 4) CorruptionModi promised "Good Days", 
with his rise to power. But now, the tweets go about declaring that with the def
 eat of BJP in Delhi, "Good Days" are really going to arrive.Modi statred a 
campaign "Clean India Campaign": but the tweeters decalred that with the 
sweeping out of BJP, the "Clean India " program has really taken off. 
Incidentally, AAP's polly symbol is 'broom'.But it is remarkable that 
disenchantment has set in among the common people in India in just 8 months of 
Modi assuming power. Delhi has about 11 million voters and has a mix of people 
from all regions of India. It shows how neo-liberalism can alienate people very 
quickly. Modi afterall belives in passing the benifits to the top 1% and has no 
scruples about looting the 
Vijaya Kumar Marla
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