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"He was more in line with Syriza apparently."

Oh, please. Trotsky was no for what passes as a "united Europe" today as he
was for a Germany consolidating Europe under it's rule in WWII. A pathedic
attempt to show Trotsky was for...what? A united Imperialist Europe?

Syriza is simply caught up an a contradiction. It thinks it can exist in
Europe...which itself was *totally conceived* as a way of saving
Imperialism by rolling back the gains of the working class since the end of
WWII and at the same time oppose austerity, the single most important issue
facing Greece. Leftists who defend "Europe" or being in Europe simply are,
what are writer above had done, as project something "progressive" onto
what is clearly a reactionary construct. The reason Greece is in this
position has to do with the rule of fiscalizing the economy of members
countries. Thus this "United Europe" attacking every single gain of the
working class, pushing privatizations, ending social welfare and attacking
unions through "labor reform".

Either Syriza will fulfill it's promise of ending austerity or it will
compromise on this somehow, thus disappointing it's base. If it stays in
Europe, it has to fiscalize, one way or another.

If there is an actual socialist revolution in Greece, it will end their
membership in the Eurozone. Can't happen fast enough.

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