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Hi Andy,
It is interesting if the Syriza leadership had prepared a letter with
more concessions but then accidentally sent the previous draft on
Wednesday.  Especially if the accident eventually resulted in a little
more favorable situation for Syriza/Greece.  As i always say, 'may the
force be with you.'

It looks like we will now be learning more about the political
situation in Greece, about the new government, about Syriza, about the
Tsipras Syriza leadership and about the Left Platform grouping w/in

On Fri, Feb 20, 2015 at 1:50 PM, Andrew Pollack <acpolla...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks, Dayne. The official Eurogroup statement looks pretty bad. One would
> like to think this was all a maneuver so Tsipras could come back and say
> "sorry but we've been told by the voters that the Memorandum is still off
> the table."
> ps: the Greeks denied the story below but it sounds similar to one from a
> few weeks ago, and would be nice if true (from Guardian live updates):
> Greece sent "wrong letter" on Thursday – Bild
> You couldn’t make this up. Apparently, Greece sent the wrong letter on
> Thursday, German newspaper Bild reports, citing government sources.
> The right version supposedly accepted bailout conditions agreed to by the
> previous Greek government.
> According to the report, Tsipras, Juncker and Dijsselbloem jointly drafted a
> letter on Wednesday. However, Varoufakis sent an altered version of the
> letter that omitted the parts that said Greece will accept the bailout
> conditions.
> Tsipras later told Merkel it was an “administrative mistake.”
> pps: Eric Toussaint has a good piece today reminding us this is not really
> about the debt, that it's about richer countries, companies and classes
> enforcing ever-more austere and repressive conditions on those they exploit,
> so they can better compete with other imperialisms and increase profits
> internally.

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