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on Verso Blog, Mike Watson, Feb. 23, 2015

. . .
*What conclusions ought we draw from this accord?*

We could describe it as a major defeat for Syriza, possibly even a
fatal one, and this failure affects each and every one of Syriza’s
components. The Left did not succeed in imposing its point of view,
having been defeated by the leadership’s strategy, ever since the 2012
elections, of shifting closer to the centre.  The idea was that since
we had already won as many votes on the Left as we could, what we now
had to do was go in search of centrist voters.

This electoralist logic is mistaken, because given the extent of the
social crisis the tendency of public opinion is not at all the
strengthening of the centre ground. On the contrary, it is
radicalising, and it is this radicalisation that explains the audience
for Golden Dawn as well as for Syriza.

There is a really fundamental error of analysis, here. For a political
force of the anti-austerity Left to give up on essential points of its
programme can only lead to defeat. And sadly that is precisely what we
are seeing play out at the moment.

The Syriza government will thus have no choice other than to
administer the Memorandum framework. The small changes it can make
will certainly be improvements, but they will not succeed in
transforming the totally disastrous economic and social situation.
This will disappoint the hopes and expectations that the popular
electorate placed in Syriza.

Going on this way can only mean defeat. I think it is possible that
Syriza could disintegrate, and that there could be a reconfiguration
of the current political alliances. If Syriza continues with this
policy then there is no reason why pro-Memorandum forces should go on
refusing to collaborate with it. To Potami, PASOK and even a wing of
New Democracy could do so – and it was precisely this latter that
Syriza was giving a nod and a wink to when it chose Pavlopoulos, a
leading figure of New Democracy’s centrist wing, for President of the
. . .

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