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WSJ, Feb. 25 2015
Doubts Shadow Greek Bailout
by Gabriele Steinhauser

BRUSSELS -- Doubts over the willingness of Greece's left-wing government to follow its creditors' orders on budget cuts and economic overhauls spilled into the open Tuesday, even as eurozone finance ministers approved a four-month extension to the country's bailout.

The deal with the eurozone and the International Monetary Fund removes the immediate threat of a run on the country's banks, following several weeks of big withdrawals by depositors. The extension of the 240 billion euro ($273 billion) rescue package until the end of June staves off the need for controls to stem the flight of money from the country that, in a worst case, could have signaled Greece's expulsion from Europe's currency bloc.

Yields on Greek bonds dropped sharply after the extension was granted, while shares on the country's stock market jumped. Athens's main stock exchange closed almost 10% higher, primarily led by banks. Interest rates on Greek debt maturing between 2017 and 2019 fell by as much as four percentage points.

But questions were raised by some of Greece's creditors -- most notably the IMF -- over the measures that the government proposed to secure the bailout extension, exposing new cracks among the countries and institutions that have kept the nation afloat for nearly five years.

The legislation that Alexis Tsipras, Greece's young prime minister, must implement to address these concerns -- and get new rescue money -- will test his coalition and the voters who swept him into power last month.

"Greece has won a few weeks," said a senior Finance Ministry official in Athens, adding that the country now had to focus on collecting overdue taxes and fighting corruption.

Greece has to race to satisfy its creditors. Without the bailout, it could run out of funds to repay debts in a matter of weeks. An important test will come in March when some 1.5 billion euros in IMF loans are due to be repaid.

Mr. Tsipras and his finance minister, Yanis Varoufakis, whose blazing antiausterity rhetoric had fired up support at home in recent weeks, made a point of staying out of the public eye Tuesday. There they would have faced questions over policy reversals -- including pension cuts, increases to the value-added tax and measures that make it easier to fire workers -- that they had ruled out as recently as last week.

"It is difficult to determine how the government can fulfill its promises, including the debt write-off, with this agreement," Costas Lapavitsas, a lawmaker for Mr. Tsipras's Syriza party, told Greek TV channel Star.

Mr. Tsipras appears to be left considering the same measures that felled the previous government of center-right Prime Minister Antonis Samaras.

The IMF -- responsible for roughly one-sixth of Greece's overall bailout -- argued that the new measures outlined by the government didn't go far enough.

"In quite a few areas . . . including perhaps the most important ones, [the Greek proposal] is not conveying clear enough assurances that the government intends to undertake the reforms," the IMF's managing director, Christine Lagarde, said in a letter published minutes after the finance ministers approved the extension.

Similar concerns, albeit in much more muted language, were voiced by the European Central Bank and some eurozone governments.

The Washington-based IMF has been pushing views unpopular with some of Greece's other creditors -- most prominently the European Commission, the European Union's executive arm -- since the start of the crisis. Rich eurozone countries, including Germany and Finland, have latched onto the IMF's hard-line views and made more aid from the eurozone conditional on the fund's support.

In contrast to the eurozone, whose weaker members would face the immediate fallout of renewed market panic over Greece, the IMF represents 188 states around the world, many of which are already grumbling over the fund's disproportionate support to a small European country.

It was the IMF -- along with Germany -- that in 2012 pushed through a restructuring of Greece's privately held debt, against initial resistance from the European Commission and a majority of eurozone governments. And according to European and Greek officials, the IMF was also the main obstacle to disbursing the latest 7.2 billion euro disbursement of the country's bailout last fall when the previous government was still in power.

Tuesday's letter from the IMF underlines that the fund is prepared to remain combative.

"It forces Greece to be serious, and it forces the eurozone to say, 'Look, we're not going to give you any of this bridge financing unless you start working on implementation on Day One,'" said Jacob Kirkegaard, a senior fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics in Washington.

The IMF's complaints set the stage for several months of difficult negotiations between Athens and its creditors. Before any new cash from the existing bailout can flow, the government in Athens will have to flesh out the measures it presented Monday night and actually pass them through its Parliament.

That could test the durability of the ruling coalition, which is dominated by left-wing activists who have campaigned against the bailout's austerity measures. The coalition also includes right-wing nationalists eager to assert Greek sovereignty.

The government barely made a midnight Monday deadline to send a seven-page letter explaining its plans for the coming months to the eurozone, the IMF and the ECB. The submission was preceded by weeks of often acrimonious back-and-forth among Athens, Brussels and Berlin, and a late-night cabinet meeting over the weekend.

In its letter, Greece set out a range of measures, from cutting the number of ministries to 10 from 16 to reducing fringe benefits for ministers, lawmakers and other top officials. It also promised to fight tax evasion and close loopholes -- steps that previous governments had been reluctant to take and which received an explicit thumbs-up from Ms. Lagarde.

But on any measures that attack benefits or workers' rights, the government remained vague, sticking with words like "streamlining" or "rationalizing" rather than pledging explicit cuts. It also included policies that could raise costs, including a new "basic income scheme" for early retirees and increases to the minimum wage.
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