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[a report originating from Syriza's Left Platform]

The full text of the Left Platform's amendment:

"“We express our disagreement with the agreement and the list of
reforms agreed with the Eurogroup.

Both texts represent an undesirable compromise for our country and
move in directions and orientations are within, which, in their
essential points, move away or are in plain contrast with the
programmatic commitments of SYRIZA.

In the immediate future, SYRIZA, despite the agreements of the
Eurogroup, should take the initiative of implementing steadily and as
a matter of priority its commitments and the content of its
programmatic governmental statement.

To go down that road, we have to rely on workers' and popular
struggles, to contribute to their revitalization, and to the
continuous expansion of popular support in order to resist to any form
of blackmail and promote the perspective of an alternative plan
promoting the full realization of our radical objectives.

The main conclusion of the latest developments is the necessity, which
is of decisive importance for the course we will follow, that
decisions should be taken following a discussion in the leading party
instances, which have, jointly with the party and the party branches
as a whole, to upgrade their function and play a leading role in the
new progressive course of our country”.

The amendment submitted by the Left Platform rejecting the Eurogroup
agreement and the "list of reforms" submitted by the government got
41% of the vote, with 55% against and 4% abstaining or voting blank
(the votes were: 68 in favour, 92 against, 6 abstentions/blank votes).
The Left Platform has now significantly extended its influence,
incorporating in the strategic votes the maoists of KOE and the group
around the (now former) head of the economic department of the party
John Milios.

All the media report that the party is now clearly split on the line
followed so far by the government and that the central committee
"issued a warning to the government", to quote the article of the main
pro-system newspaper To Vima.

Along the same lines, the new secretary of the party, Tassos
Koronakis, was elected by a very narrow majority (102 out of 199),
with the candidate of the Left Platform, Alekos Kalyvis, getting 64
votes, an independent candidate 1 vote, and with 32 CC members

For the vote for the new 11 members-large political secretariat, the
list of the majority bloc got 110 votes (6 seats), the Left Platform
63 (4 seats), the maoists (KOE) 21 (1 seat), an Independant list 2
votes (0 seat), + 3 abstentions.

The conclusion is quite simple: the crucial debate about the future
strategy is now fully open and the party Left is in a very strong
position to put forward its strategy in favor of an alternative
approach and a "plan B".

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