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Jeff said:

Most of Ken's comments were welcome, but the following segment has left me
rather confused:

> The question of our relationship with one strand of right- wing
> "anti-Zionism" was posed sharply at the AGM of the Palestine Solidarity
> Campaign in the UK at the beginning of 2012.
> http://site.lalkar.org/article/566/palestinesolidarity-movement-on-the-defensive-as-agm-votes-for-zionist-formulations
> The meeting voted to endorse a paragraph that the PSC executive had
> recently added to the campaign website stating that ?Any expression of
> racism or intolerance, or attempts to deny or minimise the Holocaust have
> no place in our movement. Such sentiments are abhorrent in their own right
> and can only detract from the building of a strong movement in support of
> the fundamental rights of the Palestinian people.? (My emphasis)`

Ken Hiebert replies:
Jeff is quite right.  I left him and others wondering what I make of this.  I 
made the classic mistake of assuming that others would know what I was 
thinking.  I've done this before and will probably do it again as my messages 
are sometimes overly cryptic.
I share Tony Greenstein's view. 
http://azvsas.blogspot.ca/2012/01/psc-agm-crushing-defeat-for-gilad.html  I 
believe the PSC did the right thing in expelling an avowed Holocaust denier.
I included the link to the CPGB M-L article because it included he wording of 
the resolution and because anything I said could not arouse as much opposition 
to the CPGB M-L as their own words will.
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