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Proyect wrote on his blog:

Unlike the more rabid elements of the far left like the WSWS.org or the
Spartacist League that urged Greeks to vote for the KKE, Callinicos deems
Syriza’s election as “inspiring”. The problem, of course, is that it is
doomed to fail as a socialist electoral project because the “deep state”
defies dismantling from within the state itself. In other words, the cops,
the army and the intelligence agencies have to be “smashed” by the armed
detachments of workers councils that arise in the course of struggle, just
as occurred in Russia in 1917. The most urgent task in Greece is to create
“dual power” that will eventually reach the critical mass necessary to
transform Greece.


If nationalizing the banks, dual power, workers militias, etc. correspond
to the objective class interests of the long-suffering Greek people, one
wonders why they have such difficulty understanding that. In the recently
held elections, Antarsya received 39,411 votes, which is 0.64 percent of
the total vote. Three years ago they got 75,248, which was 1.19 percent. So
as the crisis deepens in Greece and the need for revolutionary action
grows, their vote fell by half.

The obvious answer to the last question is that the people do not always
perceive that which corresponds to their objective interests. Allowing to
do so is the task of revolutionary leadership.

Also, if you reject the traditional scenario of dual power, leading to the
conquest of state sovereignty by  the working class, it's only fair to ask
you what your own expected or desired scenario is.

On Thu, Mar 5, 2015 at 2:00 PM, Louis Proyect via Marxism <
marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu> wrote:

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> Probably the most notable aspect of this debate was the fact that it
> happened at all. This is obviously a sign that the left has accepted the
> SWP back into proper society even though its leaders have never retreated,
> not even one inch, on the question of their handling of an accusation of
> rape by one of its young female members against a central and older male
> leader. One supposes that stonewalling is a much more effective tactic in
> tightly knit Leninist groups than it is in large-scale bourgeois parties.
> It should be added that Alex Callinicos viewed the wide scale opposition
> to the SWP leadership over this matter as not really being about the rape
> but opposition to Leninism from dissidents who favored a Syriza type party.
> So in a real sense, things have come full circle. With the Syriza
> leadership forming an electoral pact with ANEL, someone like Callinicos
> must feel vindicated. What is the rape of one woman compared to the rape of
> a nation? Of course he would not be so crass as to actually say something
> like this but you can bet that he thinks it.
> full: http://louisproyect.org/2015/03/05/comments-on-the-alex-
> callinicos-stathis-kouvelakis-debate/
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