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NYU Students for Justice in Palestine presents


March 23-26, 2015

"I have witnessed the systematic humiliation of Palestinian men, women and
children by members of the Israeli security forces. Their humiliation is
familiar to all black South Africans who were corralled and harassed and
insulted and assaulted by the security forces of the apartheid government.”

Archbishop Desmond Tutu

Israeli Apartheid Week (IAW) is an international series of events
<http://apartheidweek.org/events/> that seeks to raise awareness about
Israel’s apartheid policies towards the Palestinians and to build support
for the growing Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) campaign.

119 faculty at NYU
have thus far signed onto an open letter calling for NYU to divest
from “companies
that violate International Law and human rights in the occupied Palestinian
territory”and adopt a “human rights screen” for investments.

The events below, part of Israeli Apartheid Week, will be held at New York
University by the NYU Students for Justice in Palestine.


Understanding Ongoing Israeli Violence in Gaza

245 Sullivan Street | Furman Hall 216 | 6PM | Wednesday, March 25


“There is no other option but ‘mowing the lawn.’ There is no option for a
political solution.”

Israeli military strategist Efraim Inbar on Israeli invasion of Gaza.

This summer, a series of Israeli incursions into the Occupied Palestinian
Territory of Gaza killed over two thousand Palestinians, most of whom were
civilians. This number includes roughly five hundred children. Most human
rights monitors concluded that Israel perpetrated a number of war crimes
during this campaign, including deliberately targeting civilians,
infrastructure, medical facilities and shelters. Months later, Gaza is
still under a blockade, restricting reconstruction. People in Gaza continue
to die from the lingering effects of the war campaign.

Join us to hear about the ongoing predicament the people of Gaza face from
eyewitness Joe Catron, who was on the ground as a journalist in Gaza during
the invasion, and NYU graduate student in history Jehad Abusalim, who grew
up in Gaza.

Jehad Abusalim is a PhD Student in History and Hebrew and Judaic Studies at
NYU. Born and raised in Gaza, he has worked closely with PalThink for
Strategic Studies, Hadaf Center for Human Rights, and the Palestinian
Center for Democracy and Conflict Resolution. Currently, Jehad's academic
research focuses on Gaza in the aftermath of the 1948 Nakba [expulsion].

Joe Catron is a freelance reporter and Palestine solidarity activist. Joe
was present in Gaza during Israel’s military offensive this summer, when he
joined a group of internationals who tended to Gaza’s hospitals and local
rescue teams. He lived in Gaza for three and half years. He has written for
Electronic Intifada, Middle East Eye, and is the co-editor of The
Prisoners’ Diaries: Palestinian Voices from the Israeli Gulag, an anthology
of accounts of Palestinian detainees freed during a 2011 prisoner exchange.


238 Thompson Street | NYU Global Center for Academic and Spiritual Life C95
| 7PM | Thursday, March 26


The St. Louis County Police Department that killed Michael Brown, placed
Ferguson under siege, and sparked a nationwide movement against racism and
police brutality, trained closely with the Israeli military. Over 9,000
American officials, including police, border guards, and military, have
trained closely with the Israeli military. This collaboration has ranged
from monitoring suspect ethnic demographics to domestic counterinsurgency
and crowd control.

Join us for a panel discussion with activists and leaders in the
African-American and Palestinian community emphasizing the importance for
cross solidarity organizing. The summer's events in Palestine and across
the United States, specifically in Ferguson, have placed the connection
between racist and colonial oppression in both places on full display
sparking transnational solidarity and consciousness raising. It is in the
spirit of forming a stronger global movement to liberate all peoples that
inspires and challenges us to move towards thinking in terms of joint

Cherrell Brown is a national organizer with Equal Justice USA. This past
year, Cherrell was part of a delegation to Palestine and has written about
the similarities between black struggle in America and the plight of

Dr. Robyn Spencer is professor of history at Lehman College and an
organizer of the World Stands with Palestine Rally. She has written
extensively on the Black Power Movement in America and parallels between
the oppression and brutality against African-Americans and Palestinians.

Hazem Jamjoum is a Palestinian activist, writer, and Ph.D. student at NYU’s
Joint History/Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies Program.






South African Human Sciences Research Council: Israel Practicing Apartheid
in the Palestinian Territories

Not an analogy: Israel and the crime of apartheid

Factsheet: What is Apartheid?

The Israeli Invasion of Gaza

United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs: Gaza
Situation Report post-war

Amnesty International on Gaza War Crimes

UNSG Ban Ki-Moon: Israeli attack on Gaza school a “criminal act”

Institute for Middle East Understanding: 50 Days of Death and Destruction

Ferguson and Palestine

Ebony Magazine: The Ferguson/Palestine Connection

Ferguson activists visit Palestine


Palestinian Campaign for the Academic & Cultural Boycott of Israel
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