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Interesting piece we put up a wee while back on Redline, originally from
Tony Norfield's economics of imperialism blog:

That millions of workers in Asia on minimal wages produce a huge amount of
consumer goods for the West is such a well-established and undisputed fact
that it does not require much further comment. These goods are often so
cheap that their price astonishes us. Of course, once we consider the
economics of the lives of the people who produce these goods, there is no
mystery in this. Yet we rarely ponder such issues for long, because the
inevitable conclusion can only be that living standards in the West are
supported by the toil and sweat of millions of others.

But the systematic exploitation of what used to be called the ‘Third World’
– and is now fast becoming the First World in terms of industrial
organisation and manufacturing competence – is not restricted to production.
Every aspect of this production and trade is parasitical and hugely
exploitative. Consider, for example, maritime shipping. . .

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