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Merkel and Tsipras ease tension but do not find political solution

Katherimini, Athens
late night, March 23

German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras
struck a conciliatory tone after their first bilateral meeting in
Berlin on Monday but the Greek leader’s host insisted that she is not
in a position to ease Greece’s liquidity problems on her own.

The two leaders held a news conference after talks at the Chancellery
that lasted more than an hour and before they were due to hold a
working dinner. Both politicians sought to ease the tension that has
built up between the two countries over the last few weeks,
particularly due to comments from their finance ministers.

Merkel and Tsipras insisted that their talks had been productive
despite differences on a number of issues.

“I did not come here to ask for financial aid,” Tsipras said. “I came
for an exchange of our thoughts and opinions, to see where there is
common ground and where there is disagreement.”

Merkel said that she sensed an “appetite for cooperation” during the
talks but insisted that she could not intervene to ease Greece’s
liquidity concerns. She said it was paramount for Athens to present
its list of reforms to its lenders, thereby paving the way for the
disbursement of the 7.2 billion euros remaining in bailout loans.

“Reforms have to be discussed with the institutions, not with
Germany,” she emphasized.
. . .

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