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The Nazi gap, by Anatoly Karlin, UNZ Review, March 26, 2015 

Published originally on the Russia page of Anatoly Karlin's blog. He is a 
blogger and businessman in San Francisco Bay area, originally from Russia.

"The Western media is having a field day
 with this motley gathering of neo-Nazis and assorted freaks at the 
grandiosely named International Russian Conservative Forum – none of the
 more serious alternative right European parties, such as the National 
Front or Fidesz, bothered turning up, and neither did serious Russian 
nationalists – and for once they might just have a point. The operative word 
being “just.” 

"Hypocritical as they might try to make Putin out to be with this, it 
would be wrong to see the March 22 conference as a Russian endorsement, 
official or informal, of the European far right..."

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