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Thanks Louis for that post from the New York Times about the anti-water tax
rebellion in the south of Ireland.

Btw, reps from Syriza have been there, speaking about the events in
Greece.  So there is some direct link.

I've written a few things on the rebellion against the water tax.  Labour
got pretty smashed by Sinn Fein in the Euro and local government elections
last May for its role in imposing austerity (as the junior partner in the
Dublin coalition government).

Sinn Fein won 3 of the 7 Euro seats in the south and roughly doubled its
council seats.  Labour lost is Euro seats and half its council seats.  SF
is now by far the largest party in Dublin - it holds as many council seats
as Fine Gael and Fianna Fail put together.

However, the Shinners' position on austerity is fairly two-faced.  They
oppose it in the south but implement it in the north, where they are in
government with the Paisleyites.  Also, the Shinners don't really like the
militant community organising in the south - the kind of thing they were
very involved in themselves 30 years ago, before they decided to be
bourgeois-nationalists instead of socialist-republicans.

Anyway, here's some stuff on Redline about the community organising.  I
hope to get an update done in the next few days.

Working class resists water tax in south of Ireland:
(this is actually a reprint from Weekly Worker, whose Anne McShane now
lives in in Cobh, in County Cork)

Dublin working class shows how resistance is done:

eirigi water meter sabotage video:

eirigi New Year statement:

There's lots of stuff on the eirigi site about the campaign, as they are
immersed in it in the local working class communities where they are
entirely based: http://eirigi.org/

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