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On 5/6/15 5:51 PM, Manuel Barrera wrote:
Yeah, read that, agreed with it then and now.

Look, you have to put things in perspective. For example, you blasted Black Agenda Report on FB for supporting al-Assad. In a post going up on North Star soon, I will be praising Bruce Dixon for his refusal to kowtow to the dominant pro-Obama current in the Black movement. Syria would not be any different if he and Glen Ford wrote a different kind of article. By helping to provide a voice for young Black radicals, they are fighting the good fight whatever they think about Syria. The same thing with Syriza. By signing some statement against terrorism that will involve no material contribution to the actual violence taking place against Sunnis but that helps them wrangle some economic aid that will keep Greeks employed and off the streets, they will be making a contribution to the class struggle.
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