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IMF leak signals ‘progress’ with Greece, but threat of default in June
by Paul Mason
Channel 4 News, Britain, May 16

European negotiators have just days to conclude an agreement with
Greece or a critical payment to the IMF on 5 June is likely to be
missed, according to a leaked document seen by Channel 4 News.

See the full, leaked, confidential document, below [at

In an memo dated 14 May, the IMF’s staff state:

“There will be no possibility for the Greek authorities to repay the
whole amount unless an agreement is reached with international

They point to the €1.5bn due to the IMF in June as the first vulnerable payment.

Channel 4 News understands Greek negotiators made clear last week that
the €1.56bn owed to the IMF in June, beginning with a payment on 5
June, cannot be paid without a deal.

The IMF memo confirms that there has been “some recent progress” in
negotiations between Greece and its lenders: on VAT reform, tax
collection and regulations that would make it easier for Greek
companies to go bust and be restructured.

But the tight timetable, and growing tension between the IMF and the
Europeans, mean next week’s Euro summit in Riga looks like the last
chance to do a deal before Greece technically defaults on a payment to
the IMF in early June.

This assessment goes further than the formal words used at the
conclusion of the Eurogroup last week, and confirms there is momentum
towards a deal.

‘Quick and dirty’

The IMF names the outstanding issues as: pension reform, deregulating
the labour market, and the re-hiring of 4,000 former civil servants as
the issues preventing a deal. The document acknowledges progress on
labour reform “in the past”, signalling that the rehiring and pensions
issues are what stand between Greece and a deal this week.

But the document reveals critical differences between the EU, ECB and
IMF that could lead to a collapse of the negotiations. Basically, the
EU is looking for a deal that papers over the cracks and takes the
Greek banking system off life support, while the memo confirms the
IMF’s own rules do not allow what it calls a “quick and dirty”

But the “progress” has triggered a major row behind the scenes between
the EU and the IMF.

Debt default

The EU negotiators, by agreeing to drop their demands for Greece to
run a 3 per cent of GDP budget surplus in the next two years, have
paved the way for an interim deal that would allow them to reprieve
the Greek banking system, currently on temporary life support.

But the IMF document says, “it was made clear that no disbursement
will be made until a full staff level agreement on a comprehensive
review is reached”. The document concludes by reiterating that the IMF
has to “play by the rules and not obscure the fund’s mandate”.

In a critical passage, albeit in coded language, the IMF staff outline
major differences with the Europeans:

“While staff emphasised they are not pushing the European partners to
consider debt relief, at the same time staff noted the numbers need to
add up. In particular it was noted there is an inverse relationship
between reforms and sustainability.”

This translates as: the more austerity the Europeans demand, the
bigger the chance that Greece defaults on its debts. And the IMF –
unlike the EU – cannot sign off on a plan where austerity provokes a
debt default. Greek government sources believe the IMF could seek to
offload its loans to Greece onto the European Stability Mechanism
created during the debt crisis of 2010, if its own rules leave it
unable to sign off a deal done this month.

Meanwhile Greek economy and public finances are deteriorating rapidly.
The IMF noted that:

“non-performing loans are at very high levels and – going forward –
the system might suffer from important stress. The staff also noted a
dramatic deterioration in the payment culture in the country”.

This last refers to the near gridlock of the Greek system of
inter-company payments as betwen €30 and €35bn has flowed out of the
banking system – into the cash economy and abroad – since Syriza came
to power.

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