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The story below describes a disgusting tweet by a racist professor, but in 
another news item, a campus priest at Seton Hall 
 dismissed for a tweet in support of same-sex marriage legislation. 

Coupled with the ongoing fight for Steven Salaita, I wonder if we, the one 
group of people who actually stand for revolutionary democracy, are caught in a 
trap because we are selectively opposing some attacks on democratic freedoms 
and "benignly comment" on the racist nature of a person who gets fired for 
having an opinion?! I wonder which is the more disgusting, the racist ideologue 
or the "communist" selective supporter of democracy? 

I have posted this query to other sites including The North Star because I 
believe we need to think this problem through. Will also be posting to Marxist 
Internet Archive Users Discussion Group and Campaign for a United Socialist 
Party - CUSP

Duke professor: Blacks riot because they’re lazier than Asians and have 
‘strange’ un-American namesA North Carolina professor said over the weekend 
that he was suspended after he was caught writing in the New York Times comment 
section that there was a link between the Baltimore riots and “strange” names 
that black people had instead of having traditional white names.

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