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On 5/22/15 2:13 PM, Andrew Pollack via Marxism wrote:
Yes, Greece's economy is pitifully small in comparison not only to Germany
but even to Italy or Spain. It's unfortunate that the weak links always
have to go first, e.g. Russia in an earlier Europe, Cuba and Nicaragua in
Latin America (and not, say, Brazil or Argentina); the Congo and not South
Africa; etc. etc. (One might even add Black America before the US as a
whole. (And Scotland in the UK?))

In some ways NUMSA's struggle to build a left party in South Africa is the most promising development. When I met with Thabo Mbeki back in 1990, I had high hopes that the ANC/SACP would constitute a vanguard for the continent. Unfortunately, I was far too optimistic. Maybe that vanguard had to emerge out of the same sense of disillusionment.
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