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So just when Syria's two major terrorist armed forces - the one based in Damascus and the one based in Raqqa - square off in Palmyra (or at least pretend to), the US had other priorities: terrified of the recent decisive rebel victories in Idlib and northern Hama provinces, by a vast rebel coalition that includes, among others, Nusra, the US decides it is time for the 6th or 7th round of bombings of Nusra in both Idlib and in Aleppo, and, reportedly, even the headquarters of the Jaysh al-Fatah rebel coalition in Idlib (yet oddly, there are *still* people who don't believe the US and Assad are fighting on the same side in Syria)

US led air raid kills 15 al Nusra fighters in Syria -monitor

Source: Reuters - Wed, 20 May 2015 17:47 GMT
Author: Reuters
BEIRUT, May 20 (Reuters) - An air raid by U.S.-led forces killed at least 15 members of al Qaeda's Syria wing Nusra Front in the northwest of the country on Wednesday, a group monitoring the Syrian civil war said. The raid hit the headquarters of the group in Tawama village in the western countryside of Aleppo province, said the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, which gathers information from a network of sources on the ground. Most of the fighters killed were Turkish, it said, and there were several also wounded. It was not immediately clear how senior they were. U.S.-led forces have been striking jihadists in Syria and neighbouring Iraq since mid-2014 and have mainly targeted the militant Islamic State group, but have also killed a smaller number of Nusra Front members in Syria.

Coalition targets Al-Nusra in Aleppo
8:59 pm 2015-05-20
Aleppo (Qasioun) – US-Led Coalition launched airstrikes over Al-Tawama village in Aleppo western countryside, targeting Al-Nusra front centers in Al-Baladya building, and another building over the village’s outskirts, led to kill 12 fighters from Al-Nusra. Also destroyed the centers completely, while Civil defense men try to search for survivors and take-out the dead bodies under ruins, among heavy spreading for Al-Nusra front’s fighters. US-Led coalition drones was watched flying over Al-Tawama village’s airspace in Aleppo countryside

(Some were joint US-Assad attacks, as we have become used to):

Coalition and regime airstrikes over Idlib countryside
9:16 pm 2015-05-20

Idlib (Qasioun) – US-Led coalition warplanes launched airstrikes over the area located between Al-Sahara and Al-Tawama villages, northeast of Sarmada city in Idlib northern countryside, targeting Al-Nusra front centers, without any losses reported till now. In the same context, Syrian regime warplanes launched airstrikes over Magharet Mirza in Maaret Al-Nouman eastern countryside, led to kill a woman and injure 2 civilians

International coalition air forces and regime air force are partners in the Sky
10:54 am 2015-05-22
Aleppo (Qasioun) regime air forces dropped barrel bombs over Alfardus neighborhood causing material damages only. Besides two civilian were killed and many were injured including medics due to missiles by regime forces over Abu Jabar village in eastern countryside. While one civilian was injured in Bustan Alkuser neighborhood due to firing by Regime’s Sniper where he located in Al-Baldi palace, besides regime forces shelled with tank AlShaar neighborhood.

Confirmed by rebels and also Nusra http://eldorar.com/node/77021: US-led coalition bombed Nusra positions in Idlib where 7 Nusra members according to the article above were martyred, in addition to a simultaneous bombing happening in Western Aleppo where 15 Nusra members were also killed at the municipality building in the Tawama village

US-led Coalition airstrike targetting 'Jabhat al Nusrah HQ' also killed a 9 years old girl https://twitter.com/TetoudSyria/status/601517810578280457

Shari Muhaisini calls on activists and mujahideen leaders to make large scale protests condemning the recent US strikes: https://twitter.com/mheisny/status/601491701887332354

Nusra statement about latest US-led coalition airstrikes on their bases in Aleppo & Idlib. https://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2F_saeed_alhalabi%2Fstatus%2F601465238307766272&h=8AQG9EY0h&s=1

Also, US-led coalition targeted Jaysh al-Fatah rebels' HQ in Idlib, in Basyoon area between Kafranbel and Kasanfra:

US also attacks rebel heartland town since 2011, Kafranbel (never a Nusra town):
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