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A Speech of Hope for Greece
by Yanis Varoufakis
Project Syndicate, June 4
. . .
...the speaker should be German Chancellor Angela Merkel, addressing
an audience in Athens or Thessaloniki or any Greek city of her choice.
She could use the opportunity to hint at a new approach to European
integration, one that starts in the country that has suffered the
most, a victim both of the eurozone’s faulty monetary design and of
its society’s own failings.
. . .

Syriza voters want austerity ended, not another ’compromise’ Troika deal
Editorial article from Xekinima website
[Xekinima is CWI group in Greece, not in Syriza, endorsed Syriza in
Jan. 2015 parliamentary election]

CWI [Socialist Alternative, U.S.; Socialist Party, England & Wales],  June 4

Break with the austerity - adopt a socialist programme!

The Greek ruling class, the mass media that work for it, people like
Stavros Theodorakis (leader of the liberal ‘Potami’ party) J.C.
Juncker, M. Schulz and the rest of the “golden boys” of EU’s
officialdom, “explain” tirelessly to the Greek people that SYRIZA
leader prime minister, Alex Tsipras “should act as the country’s prime
minister and not as the leader of SYRIZA”.

They even openly invite Alexis Tsipras to proceed to make an agreement
with the country’s creditors, to put it to the vote in the Greek
parliament, ignoring the Syriza party and even its Central Committee.
And in case SYRIZA’s left wing refuse to vote for the deal, they ask
Tsipras to go ahead and “not to worry” because others will vote for
the agreement – Potami, for sure, and possibly PASOK and New
Democracy, if not officially and as a whole, at least some in the two

This is a public and provocative call to SYRIZA’s leadership to
proceed to an open alliance with the ruling class and the Troika (now
called “Institutions”) and to split SYRIZA.

How did SYRIZA respond?

We have not seen from the SYRIZA leadership the signals and statements
that would clarify the leadership’s position and make all the
reactionary forces mentioned cease their demands on SYRIZA’s.

On the contrary, we see the leading SYRIZA’s team continue to
“embrace” representatives of the ruling class. At the same time, they
do not hide the fact that they are preparing for a possible collision
with the left wing of the party.

Most recent and striking examples of this process are the choices of
L. Tagmatarhis as the CEO of the public broadcaster, ERT, who was
appointed as a CEO in the past by the austerity-making PASOK
government. And E. Panariti was chosen by the SYRIZA’s government as a
representative of Greece at the IMF. On behalf of the World Bank,
Panariti used to work as a consultant for the neoliberal and
ultra-repressive government of Fujimori in Peru. In the end, Panariti
was forced to resign from the IMF position because of the massive
outrage from inside SYRIZA to his [sic] appointment. But the fact
remains that the decision to appoint Panariti was taken by the prime
minister’s office (and not just by Finance Mininster, Y. Varoufakis,
on his own accord, as was initially rumored. Panariti used to be
Varoufakis’ assistant).

Nikos Pappas demands "party discipline"

At the same time, we have the statements by Nikos Pappas, Minister of
the State, and a very close collaborator of Tsipras, who said that the
coming vote in the parliament raises the issue of “party discipline”.
D. Papadimulis (an MEP and one of the leaders of the right wing of
SYRIZA) stated that if some of the MPs from SYRIZA or the Independent
Greeks (SYRIZA’s coalition partners) do not want to vote in favor of
the proposals regarding a deal with Brussels that the prime minister
will make, new elections should be called. Parliamentary spokesperson,
Nikos Filis, made the same statement.

These threats are not general and vague. They are targeted
specifically against the left wing of SYRIZA. The leadership around
Alexis Tsipras essentially threatens the left with expulsions and new
parliamentary elections in which they would lose their parliamentary
seats (according to electoral law, if elections take place within 18
months after the last election, each party list is decided only by the
leader of each party).

Why does the leading group in SYRIZA resort to such threats? It is
because they are concerned that an agreement negotiated behind the
scenes with the ‘Institutions’ will cause a big reaction within

Tsipras, SYRIZA and society

Some prominent cadres of SYRIZA think, and say boldly, that SYRIZA
reached 27% during the 2012 elections and then rose to 36%, last
January, because it has in its leadership "gifted people like
Tsipras”. Such ideas are completely removed from reality.

SYRIZA’s rise had to do with the objective conditions in Greek society
and the great social struggles of the previous years, coupled with the
fact that SYRIZA posed taking power and invited the rest of the Left
to take common action. In a similar way in all the countries hit by
the economic crisis, we have the emergence of new political phenomena,
either from the left or from the right or both, which drive the
political scene that was dominated for decades by the traditional
parties of the ruling class. Examples of new left phenomena that have
destabilized the political scene over the last couple of years can be
seen not only in Greece, but also in Spain and Ireland.

We say to the ruling class and the leadership of SYRIZA that Tsipras
and his circle have no right, on their own, to close a deal with the
Troika. The Greek constitution and the legal system, created by the
ruling class, give the Prime Minister Bonapartist powers (that place
him, ‘above’ his party and above society). But if Tsipras wants to be
consistent with the ideas and the traditions of the Left, he has no
right to make use of such Bonapartist powers! Instead, the SYRIZA
government must abolish these laws!

Recognize mistakes

SYRIZA’s leading group has a different responsibility to start with:
to recognize that they were wrong in their approach and tactics to the
Troika and ruling class. They had illusions that they would have a
"mutually beneficial negotiation with partners", as they initially
claimed, only to discover later that the “partners” were determined to
teach SYRIZA a harsh lesson. Varoufakis should remember that before
the elections he said the EU was prepared to offer a “gift” to the
next Greek government, when, in fact, what they were preparing a noose
for Greek workers and the poor!

After the impasse that arose, the leading SYRIZA team decided to
abandon the idea of the “interim agreement/bridge" and to go for the
“overall agreement”. Now they realise that this is not on the table
either as far as the Troika is concerned! So they turn to using
threats – "party discipline" and "elections", if there are
disagreements within the SYRIZA parliamentary group!

Put an end to austerity misery

To sum up and repeat, the Greek people in the last elections voted for
SYRIZA, not for Tsipras’s ruling circle. And they did not vote for
SYRIZA "in order to ensure that we will not leave the euro" as all the
parrots of the ruling class in the mass media never tire of repeating.
They voted for SYRIZA in order to put an end to austerity.

This is the task that should be undertaken by SYRIZA and this is what
the Greek working class are expecting and demanding from SYRIZA. This
is what Alexis Tsipras must do, if he does not want to go down in
history as another one of all those so many left leaders who
compromised and sold-out to the ruling classes.

Xekinima (CWI Greece) calls for SYRIZA to be consistent with its
pre-election anti-cuts pledges, to break with Eurozone austerity and
to adopt a socialist programme, which includes:

*Refusal to pay the debt
*Controls on capital flows and the state monopoly of foreign trade to
protect the economy from the attack of the “markets”
*The nationalization of the banks and the commanding heights of the
economy, under democratic workers’ control and management - planning
the economy for the needs of the people and not the profits of the
*Reverse all the austerity cuts and introduce jobs for all with a
living wage and free, quality health, education and welfare
*The creation of popular assemblies and action committees of the rank
and file in workplaces and communities – for the active participation
of the working class and youth in the struggle against the Troika and
for a socialist alternative
*Appeal to workers and youth in Spain, Portugal, Ireland and across
Europe to join the anti-austerity struggle and to fight for a
socialist Europe

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