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On 6/6/15 2:07 PM, A.R. G wrote:
I think "left" blogger Louis Proyect should write a lengthy retort.

- Amith

Here, btw, was a comment on this from Karl Smith, a regular reader of my blog. I should add that he is a great admirer of the late Sam Marcy so this should have some additional weight:

Freakin’ ludicrous! A 1/4 century after the the collapse of the USSR and the End of the Cold War, yet we hear this shit from both leftist sites as well as pseudo libertarian sites like Prison Planet. If this is what Ralph Nader means by a Left/Right alliance then it’s the 1st vestiges of his senility.

Historians should recall that the only real Dr. Strangelove nuclear maniac that ever existed was JFK who threatened world disaster simply because he swore to unleash nuclear holocaust if The Soviets stuck a couple nukes 90 miles from the US in retaliation for the US installation of 1000 nukes on the Soviet border in Turkey. Few people realize that part of the Cuban Missile Crisis settlement deal was that yes, the Soviets would pull the Cuban missiles but only if JFK yanked the nukes from Turkey, which he ultimately did.

If the late great attorney William Kunstler were alive today I’ll bet he advocate yanking that Nobel Peace Prize from Obama and giving it posthumously to Lee Harvey Oswald.

Lets get some economic facts straight to disprove abject ridiculousness. The 1% of the USA, the Masters of the Planet, are still giddily pinching themselves over the biggest swindle ever recorded, that is, the largest transfer of wealth in the history of the Universe with the 2008 Bank Bailout orchestrated & consummated by BOTH political parties in the US that are really 2 bickering factions of a One Party State run by the Pentagon, an entity that has always got it’s way since at least 1975 when Saigon was overrun by NVA troops.

Although it lost that final battle it still won that War insofar as the almighty dollar is the primary currency in Vietnam today.

The point is when the Ruling Class is at it’s strongest & richest, precisely when the working class, the unions, & the anti-war movement are at their weakest, is NEVER going to be the time the 1% lashes out in suicidal maneuvers like nuke strikes against Russia. NEVER.

Especially since Russia, now part of the world stock market swindle, with all kinds of ex-pats squandering capital into places like Miami real estate, nevermind Putin’s Russia practically financing the entire Afghan war with billions in crude oil revenue every month billed to the Pentagon, nevermind the Pentagon turning a blind eye towards Russia’s slaughter of the Chechens and the razing of Grozny, nevermind the Ukraine, the coordinated destruction of the Maidan Movement and the shooting down of a passenger plane.

Suicidal actions are the resort of fascists, like the Nazis, who are driven primarily to their dirty deeds by the FEAR of the organized working class opposition, eg, back in the day, the Communist parties & their trade union proxies that willy nilly drew strength from the very existence of the USSR. The point is that the only reason that fascism doesn’t have a stranglehold today is because there is no organized working class resistance movement… at this juncture.

It’s no accident that despite the historic professed anti-communism of the American Trade Union leadership, their red baiting machinations, etc.. that as soon as the USSR collapsed the American Trade Union Movement collapsed along with it.

If the Occupy Movement wasn’t crushed, that is, if it grew and caught fire amongst the toiling 99%, then you’d know what all that military equipment the Pentagon gave local police forces was for, that is, then you’d know what fascism in America really looks like, and then you could talk about nuclear strikes against Russia for real, because foreign policy is always just an extension of domestic policy.

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