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Opening last Friday at Lincoln Plaza Cinema in NY, “Charlie’s Country” is now the fourth film I have seen that stars Australian aboriginal actor David Gulpilil who I first saw in “Walkabout” back in 1971 when he was 18 years old. Now 65 he is just as capable of conveying the psychological depth of an indigenous person as he ever was, in this case more essentially since he is the co-author of the screenplay.

Directed by Nicolas Roeg, “Walkabout” depicted the complex interaction of a young brother and sister stranded in the outback with a young aborigine out on a rite of puberty testing his ability to survive in the wilderness. As a perfect complement to his first film, the latest shows his character Charlie returning once again to the bush but more as someone in the twilight of his life in a search to find the life that was once so meaningful to him but that has been destroyed by the white Australian colonizer.

full: http://louisproyect.org/2015/06/07/charlies-country/
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