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At 13:46 09-06-15 -0700, DW via Marxism wrote:
>I think one misses the point. Implied in the Haaretz article is that the
>use of harmless technetium in these experiments is necessarily an important
>part in developing dirty bombs.

Well nuclear dirty bombs don't need to be "developed." One would just use
the same explosion that could equally well be used to disperse a chemical
or biological weapon, but filled with a radioactive isotope.

> It's true no modern state has ever
>developed one as they have limited military value.

I would say zero military value. Unless the military objective is to have
enemy soldiers slowly die from cancer over the next months and years.

> However, they do have
>very specific *political* value as a form of terrorism or, should one
>believe in these sorts of things, false-flag operations.

Well if I were a terrorist (which I'm not) or part of a government trying
to pin such an act on terrorists (which I'm definitely not!) it would
suffice to just set off an explosion in a shopping mall. Attached to the
bomb would be a big sign saying that the bomb that just exploded was
extremely radioactive. By the time the site could be thoroughly tested and
declared to be radiation-free, everyone would have long since evacuated the
area. The success of my terrorist operation would be measured by the number
of people who got trampled in the panic or who crashed their cars fleeing
the area. <yawn>

- Jeff

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