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Check out this awesome satire y'all:


- Amith

On Fri, Jun 12, 2015 at 2:07 PM, andrew coates via Marxism <
marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu> wrote:

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> Lettre aux escrocs de l’islamophobie qui font le jeu des racists. Charb.
> Les Échappés. 2015.
> The Weekly, as the Socialist Workers Party template set out, was known for
> its “provocative and racist attacks on Islam”. Norman Finkelstein tried to
> create an industry out of this holocaust. He declared that the paper was
> not satire but “sadism” and compared it to the anti-Semitic Nazi Der
> Stürmer. An apparently anti-racist alliance, Unite Against Fascism(UAF),
> held a special session at their AGM on why “je ne suis pas Charlie.”This
> hostility has not died down.
> ‘Rules’ for satirists appeared – which Charlie had apparently broken. It
> should have targeted the “powerful.” Will Self judged that satire ought to
> “afflict the comfortable and comfort the afflicted”. Literary critics,
> enforcing these new Aristotlean unities of satirical style – breached no
> doubt by Rabelais, Hogath’s drawings, and the plebeian Viz comic, not to
> mention early Soviet anti-religious propaganda – have tried to establish
> their decree. (1) We could call it ‘satirical realism’. Even cartoonists
> joined the would-be Zhdanovs of correct caricature. As have authors.
> Charb, supporter of the Front de Gauche and the Parti Communiste Français,
> was editor of Charlie Hebdo since 2009, after the rightward moving Phillipe
> Val had departed for France-Inter (with President Sarkozy’s blessing). His
> Lettre – a 92-page pamphlet – looks at political and social context to the
> word, Islamophobia (Islamophobie – identical to the English one, in
> meaning, if not in use): the most important of the, many, charges against
> Charlie. He explores its ambiguities, and the false politics that it is
> embedded in. If he is polemical, then the booklet is a polemic. If it is
> heartfelt, we can appreciate the emotion all too well today.
> https://tendancecoatesy.wordpress.com/2015/06/12/lettre-aux-escrocs-de-lislamophobie-qui-font-le-jeu-des-racists-charb-review-article/
> Andrew Coates
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